You Helped Transform a Life
Jul 23, 2015 | Written by Tommy Waltz
Rob Mayo quote, “You have inspired the people from my church, Redemption Fellowship, to get out there. So, thank you for showing courage by standing and preaching the word of God. We have been blessed by your ministry and it really nailed down all that pastor Tom has been preaching to us. Thank you for living out your mission in Fall River, MA.”
I am excited to report that God is at work in Massachusetts. The headlines are full of ISIS, Obama, and horrific reports of Planned Parenthood, However, God is at work in our dark nation. I have been doing evangelism at some level since 2004 and I have never seen people being drawn to the Gospel like we have this year. We are facing verbal and sometimes physical persecution for the Gospel. In the middle of this tornado of sinful confusion, people are making confessions to follow Jesus and the church is beginning to stand in one of our nation’s darkest hours. On this trip to Massachusetts, we saw four people make a confession to repent and place their faith in Jesus. Eleven hundred tracts were given out. We saw two churches, Redemption Fellowship and Redemption Hill, come out to share their faith in Jesus. Nineteen members from Redemption Fellowship came out to share their faith during the middle of the day on Monday. Yes, you read right – on a Monday. Most of them had to take off work to come out! Wow!
Prayer requests:
Pray for the fruit of those who made a confession to follow Jesus. They were challenged to examine their lives to make sure they were saved. (2 Corinthians 13:5)
Pray for the Gospel tracts that were given out – that they would bear salvation fruit.
Pray for all of us to stay humble as we see God at work – neither taking credit for anything nor diminishing his Glory.
Pray that the videos that we will be producing would help equip and encourage Christians to share their faith