The ministry began in 2008 with the founder simply walking the streets of Raleigh, NC, sharing the Gospel. During the first few months, he saw how many were lost and unaware of the condemned condition before a just God and how many said they were Christians but could not communicate the faith they said they had in Jesus. The founder knew he had to use his calling as an evangelist to make a difference. This is how the ministry began with a burden for the lost, the falsely converted, and wanting to see God glorified when a clear, biblically sound Gospel is shared and a genuine Christian life is lived out. We condensed the ministry into three words:
Shape, Share, Support.
Right away, we began shaping believers to share their faith. Over a 1,000 people have been trained to share their faith in Jesus in the past 12 years. The people we have trained now have the confidence they need to share a clear biblical Gospel.
Once someone is shaped and trained with the right doctrinal tools, they need to share their faith; we encourage them to put their training into action. We also take teams out to share the Gospel. Roughly 5.4 million people have heard the Gospel here at Gospel of God Ministries in the past 12 years. We have given out almost 400,000 gospel tracts, over 600 Bibles have been given to believers and unbelievers, and over 12,900 individual conversations with all different types of beliefs.
Our last word is support. We have supported over 30 different churches over the years with training in evangelism, apologetics, and how to read and interpret the Bible correctly. We desire to see Christians that are bold and passionate about sharing their faith in Jesus and evangelist affecting their cities with the preaching of the word of God.