Thank you for becoming one of our Champion Initiative Partners. You can give safely and securely by either texting 919-336-1252 (text give) or clicking Single or Recurring Donations below. Enable us to proclaim the Gospel to see lives transformed. Thank You!
Giving Stocks, mutual funds, and bonds through National Christian Foundation
To improve efficiency, the Gospel of God Ministries has partnered with the National Christian Foundation (NCF) to process gifts of marketable securities, such as stocks, mutual funds, or bonds, directly. NCF is the largest Christian Community Foundation in the country and facilitates all stock donations for Gospel of God Ministries at no cost.
For more information, please contact Madison Hoell at:
mhoell@ncfgiving.com or 886-672-7302
Please note: you must notify NCF if you are donating stock to be receipted correctly.
If you’d like to give a stock, mutual fund, or bond gift, please follow these instructions.
Where the shares are held
Name(s) of contributor(s)
Exact number of share(s) and ticker symbol(s)
Mailing address for receipt purposes
If you are interested in giving restricted securities, stock options, or matching gifts from your employer, please contact Madison Hoell at:
mhoell@ncfgiving.com or call (919) 438-0350.
Estate Planning
You may designate Gospel of God Ministries to receive all or a portion of your estate after your lifetime. This type of giving may be accomplished through:
Will or Trust: You can name The Gospel of God Ministries in your will or revocable living trust as a beneficiary, and your estate will receive an income tax deduction for the value of your bequest. Learn more at one of our upcoming Estate Planning Seminars.
Retirement Accounts: You can name Gospel of God Ministries as a beneficiary of your IRA, 401(k), or other qualified retirement plans. Any amounts remaining in your plan, free of income and estate tax, will transfer to Gospel of God. Consult with your financial and/or tax advisor to analyze your particular situation and confirm tax benefits.
Life Insurance: You can simply name Gospel of God Ministries as beneficiary of part or all of your life insurance policy. You can also choose to make Gospel of God Ministries the owner of a life insurance policy that is no longer needed. When Gospel of God Ministries is made owner, you may receive a tax deduction for the amount of premiums you continue paying each year. If the policy is whole life, you may receive an immediate tax deduction for the cash value amount. Consult with your financial and/or tax advisor to analyze your particular situation and confirm tax benefits.
If you are interested in any of these ways to give, please contact:
Melanie Waltz at Melaniegospelgm@protonmail.com or call 919-805-2261
As our culture debases itself more and more, as seen through the continued lifting up of what God Himself calls vile (Psalm 12:8); we are compelled by the Holy Spirit to follow the example of Messiah Himself and the apostles after Him, who went out into the public square bringing the gospel of truth to those simple and lost whom our Lord loves so dearly (Romans 10:14).
If you recognize the severe need for the Gospel to be exalted, and believe in aiding those fighting to awaken the culture, unto faith and repentance, in order to escape God’s wrath, then please consider praying for and financially supporting this ministry. Your financial gift allows us a greater opportunity to minister to those around us, thus fulfilling the great commission commanded by Jesus. Once you have tithed to your local church, if you are able, please give to GGM so that the Bible can be preached and taught clearly and effectively in ways that are meaningful and relevant to our neighbors. No gift is too small and we are frequently beseeching God to grant us monthly giving partners.
Gospel of God Ministries is deeply committed to honest and trustworthy stewardship. We love and fear God and take very seriously all that He gives to us through the sacrifice of others. Complete accountability and transparency of our finances is a given and a must. Gifts and contributions made to GGM help fund our ongoing commitment to teach and preach the gospel until faith becomes action.
It is our prayer that you are encouraged and strengthened as you hear and see what the Lord is allowing us to do in Raleigh and elsewhere by His grace and compassion. Of course, without the LORD none of this would be possible, but as part of His plan, we also need the prayer and financial support from the body of Christ.