The History, Vision, Mission, Values, and More


The ministry began with a burden for the lost and for the falsely converted. There is a colossal amount of ignorance in our nation of who God is, and there are many places on this earth where God is not glorified.  This is what compelled us to start Gospel of God Ministries (GGM). The ministry began in 2008 with me simply walking the streets of Raleigh, sharing the Gospel.  Our hope is that the entire world would come to know the saving knowledge of Christ’s sacrifice on the cross.


Gospel of God Ministries shares the Gospel in numerous ways alongside partner churches and volunteers until faith becomes action, allowing God’s Holy Spirit to transform people.

The Gospel of God Ministries wants to raise up an Evangelist inside healthy churches and train laypeople in evangelism. 


We will share the gospel in numerous ways until faith becomes action. This faith pushes believers into the world and pulls unbelievers into the kingdom.


1. We want to be Gospel-focused

by sharing this good news and helping others to do the same.

2. We want to be passionate

about the local church and invigorate them to share the Gospel.

3. We want to achieve excellence

in everything we do from partner raising, training, and sending out teams to evangelize. We want people to see this ministry as a kingdom investment, not a ministry just to give money to.

4. We want to reeducate

the body of Christ in the method of open-air evangelism through assimilating our model of seeking, training, and sending into every healthy church in America.

 What are we?

The Gospel of God Ministries is a Non-Profit 501c3 that exists for the purpose of believers assembling to share the Gospel of God with the lost world.  Gospel of God Ministries is an extension of Open Door Baptist Church in Raleigh, NC, and is accountable to its elders.

How will this become a reality?

1. Finding

Gospel of God Ministries leadership will work with local church pastors to find the evangelist within their local body and those who want to be trained in evangelism.

2. Training

We will help train him on how to be an evangelist to his city and the surrounding area and help him equip all saints to share a Biblical gospel.

3. Sending

The local church leadership will send him out into their city to see the lost saved and the body of Christ encouraged to do evangelism. We would like to have a one-to-one ratio. One evangelist in every healthy church in America reminding the church to share and not to forget their first love- Christ.

Fulfilling Our Mission, Vision, and Values (Prospectus) 

Ministry Model


by training believers how to share and defend their faith.


by taking believers out to share their faith in Jesus. We will focus on Abortion Clinics, Sporting Events, Street Festivals, and College Campuses.


the local church by working with believers that are committed to the local church.

Prayer Strategy

• Fasting

the first month of the year for each area we will be sharing.

• Praying

with Evangelist that we are discipling weekly

• Praying

with the board monthly

• Praying

weekly for our ministry partners

• Praying conference call

weekly with evangelist and churches we are working with

Objectives for 2022

1. Sufficient funding

to achieve our vision, mission, and maintain our values.

2. Evangelist Internship

for shaping evangelist to challenge and encourage the local church

3. Producing relevant content

to equip the body of Christ in evangelism. Promoting it through all available social media outlets

4. Deeping our relationships

with evangelist, believers, and partners through communication, posting preaching events to our calendar, and prayer.

5. Visiting churches, places, and missionaries

that are being the most fruitful, North Carolina, Montana, Colorado, Alabama, California, Phoenix, and South Carolina.

6. Keeping up

with the number of tracts, bibles, and the amount of preaching taking place to have accurate numbers.

7. Continuing training

for current leaders in leading, apologetics, and evangelism

8. Raising Up

three new leaders at GGM within local churches

Financial Needs

We met the 2021 budget lets all rejoice together in what God has done!!

Will you consider being a champion for our vision, mission, and values here in 2022? In Philippians 4:17 Paul states, “Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit.” The benefit of partnering as a champion with a ministry like ours is that it produces kingdom fruit that belongs to you.