Get Involved.

Come out with us and pray for our team as we share the Gospel. Pray for the people who are going to hear and believe the Gospel. Pray for those who are going to be encouraged by the Gospel. Pray for those who will mock the Gospel.
Be an at-home prayer warrior. Watching some of our videos will give you an idea of what we are up against when we take the Gospel to the street.
Be in touch with us about this desire. We would love to have a meeting with you and your elders about this call on your life to see if it is a genuine desire from the Lord. We truly need more men proclaiming the Gospel. Go through our open-air preaching curriculum at your own pace in the comfort of your home or go through our open-air preaching curriculum with a trained coach. Read a testimony on page three from one of our previous students in this quarterly Newsletter.

This curriculum is geared completely toward the layperson. If you want a free electronic PDF of the introduction to this curriculum just sign up for our e-mail list. Train with our evangelism curriculum either at your own pace in the comfort of home or go through our evangelism curriculum with a trained coach.
Finally, giving to this ministry is vital. Your giving allows us to fulfill our yearly budget and go out for the ones who are not yet in the kingdom.
Will you consider being a champion for our vision, mission, and values? In Philippians 4:17 Paul states, “Not that I seek the gift, but I seek the fruit that increases to your credit.” The benefit of partnering as a champion with a ministry like ours is that it produces kingdom fruit that belongs to you.