Why Should You Share The Gospel?

July 22nd | Written by Tommy Waltz

 Audio of the article here:

Why Should we share the Gospel?

When living the Christian life in all our different spheres of influence, sometimes it is easy to forget why we should share the Gospel of Jesus Christ. In this small article, I want to remind us of all three apparent reasons. The text I will be referencing will be Ephesians 2:1-8. There are three clear reasons Christians can so easily forget. The Gospel news has humanity’s story, points to the glory of God, and benefits man. Let’s see what the text has to tell us about humanity’s story.   

And you were dead in the trespasses and sins (Ephesians 2:1)

1.      Humanity’s story should not be denied.

Paul reminds us of two things: we were spiritually dead, and others are still dead. We had no spiritual vitally in us. The Christian is no longer dead or deceived. Our eyes have been opened. Praise God! However, the second point we get from the verse is what we can sometimes overlook. All those who are not in Christ are still dead in their trespasses and sins. This is a part of humanity’s story going all back to Adam and Eve; to deny this is to deny the way things are in this life. Let’s take a gander at verse two. Look at the destruction that spiritual death brings into someone’s life.

in which you once walked, following the course of this world, following the prince of the power of the air, the spirit that is now at work in the sons of disobedience among whom we all once lived in the passions of our flesh, carrying out the desires of the body and the mind, and were by nature children of wrath, like the rest of mankind. ( Ephesians 2:2-3)

Paul reminds Christians who we used to be; we were followers of everything the world had to offer, completely controlled by Satan. Look at the attributes of humans before Christ. This is humanity’s story, whether we like it or not.

·        Passions of the flesh

·        Carry out desires body and mind

What are some current-day illustrations of this part of humanity’s story that can be fully displayed?

·        Sex outside of marriage (which leads to 86% of abortions in America)

·        More money is spent on Pornography in America than on the NFL  ( Click Here For Statistics )

·        Transgender youth are more likely- by 30%- to suffer from depression and suicide (Click here For Statistics)

What are all these statistics showing us? Not telling humanity’s story -we are sinful, broken people- will only allow the problem to continue.  In our culture, instead of reminding people that sex outside the marriage bed is a sin, our culture celebrates it as something to be flaunted; however, it produces 86% of our abortions. This same idea goes along with pornography and Transgenderism; it is causing major problems; however, culture wants to continue celebrating those involved in these areas.

As Christians, we need to care enough to share humanity’s story. I know it is evident for all Christians to understand the source of our brokenness and the rest of the brokenness in the world. Nevertheless, just because it is obvious does not always mean that we communicate as much as the world and the prince of the air. If could run a google analytic on how much Christians share that humans are broken and need a Savior to the message of the world and the prince of the air, which is to love yourself by being happy and follow your heart. The world and the prince of the air marketing team and communication team are running circles around us Christians. This should hurt a bit. We all need to improve at sharing this truth in our daily lives. Nevertheless, point two will bring us a little better news that is full of hope for us broken people.

2.      Understanding and seeing the glory of God

But God, being rich in mercy, because of the great love with which he loved us even when we were dead in our trespasses, made us alive together with Christ—by grace, you have been saved (Ephesians 2:4-5)

Understanding the glory of God is essential. The word glory means weighty. It explains everything that God is in His excellence. How do we understand the glory of God in verses four and five? It is in God’s mercy and love for sinful people. God brings us from death to be made alive in Christ. It is in his grace that we find life. Understanding God’s mercy, love, and grace is understanding a part of His glory. God being loving, merciful, and full of grace only describes some of God.

Because God is unchanging, and He has revealed Himself to us in His Bible, we can properly understand these terms apart from the confusion of modern culture. We must realize other parts of God’s attributes, like justice and wrath, that will help us understand more of His glory (weightiness).  

At the cross, we see the fullness of God’s glory on display. We know the justice of God is satisfied, and the mercy of God is extended to sinners. If we don’t share the Gospel with unbelievers, we are robbing them of the chance to understand more of the glory of God. This should excite you to share this amazing truth that God has given you, Christian.  Don’t let this condemn you. Let it excite you !!

Verses six and seven show the Christian’s position and the coming ages that would have a chance to receive the grace of God found in Christ. If you are an unbeliever reading this, I plead with you to receive the grace of God found in Christ. Repent (acknowledge that you are wrong by sinning, lying, stealing, etc.. and God is just to condemn you)  and believe in what Christ did today. For those of you who are following Christ, don’t forget to go out and share the good news so that people can have the right relationship with God.  Why do we share the Gospel? In it is humanity’s story, the glory of God, and the manifold benefits to mankind


3.      The Gospel is a benefit man

For by grace, you have been saved through faith. And this is not your own doing; it is the gift of God. (Ephesians 2:8)

He is another obvious observation, but how often do we overlook these manifold benefits. A sinner now has a right relationship with God. They can understand reality rightly; they are no longer groping around life, trying to find meaning and purpose. They can have proper relationships with other humans because they know firsthand what forgiveness and grace look like. Let’s look at two of these in more detail.

The creation (man) can have a right relationship with his creator (God). No more running and hiding or making excuses. He can now have a relationship based on the truth that shows him who he is and gives him the freedom to be honest. He is a broken person in need of a fantastic Savior. The humility that comes with understanding the benefit we receive when believing the Gospel allows us to see ourselves rightly. We are now free to be who we are, a sinner saved by grace growing in Christ-likeness daily.    

The purpose in life now is no longer about me but to bring glory to God through everything he has given us, talents, and finances. Another aspect of our relationship with Christ is that we now can navigate complex relationships with the truth and forgiveness of Christ. We can now Know when to lean in and when to back off to let Christ do His extraordinary work.

Don’t forget it is up to us to share humanity’s story. When we do this, they are exposed to more of the glory of God, and how manifold benefits help them by understanding more about reality. Until next month, go out and proclaim the Gospel because the truth worth proclaiming is the truth that transforms.