What Is God’s Word Designed For?

May 25th 2022 | Tommy Waltz

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What is the Bible designed for? (2 Timothy 2:10-17)

It is a fair question. Have you ever thought about it? Christians are reading it and memorizing it, and putting the verses found in it all over coffee mugs, t-shirts, and car windows. In this article, I will answer this question in three ways. The Bible is designed to show us, God. The Bible itself also explains its origins, and Jesus testifies about its importance. I will discuss how the Bible reveals the human race in honest detail. These three points will intertwine in this article as I explain 2 Timothy 3:10-17 and use some supporting verses.

1.      Following in the footsteps of previous Christians will bring peace and persecution

The Bible reveals that living for Christ is going to bring persecution. We need to be ready and see it as normal as reading your Bible. In verse twelve of this text, we see Paul remind young Timothy of a great lesson:

"Indeed, all who desire to live a godly life in Christ Jesus will be persecuted."

               Paul reviews his life for Timothy and wraps his train of thought up by reminding young Timothy that he will be persecuted because of his commitment to the Lord Jesus. The text did not say maybe it read- will be. Why will we be persecuted? The Bible explains the human race in great detail. People – the lost world-  neither love the truth nor do they want to be reminded of the implications of rejecting it. Read what the Apostle John states:

And this is the judgment: the light has come into the world, and people loved the darkness rather than the light because their works were evil. (John 3:19)

               This is the Bible being honest to the unbeliever and the believer alike. The reason Christians are persecuted is that people are evil, and Christians standing up for God's objective truth reminds them of that reality. This text shows that people will go from bad to worse. They will continue to deceive the ones looking to them for guidance and wisdom, and they will continue to be deceived by the ones they are looking to for advice and wisdom.

               However, the deception that plagues this lost world no longer has a permanent grip on the believer's heart because we have been set free and have peace from Almighty God. We have peace in any and every situation. Has an unbeliever asked you where your peace comes from? What an excellent opportunity to share what you have been taught when that happens.   

2.      Continue in what you have been taught.

Some of you grew up in a Christian home; some of you- like me- did not; nevertheless, we are to remain in the truth that we have been taught from the scriptures. We can look at the lives of the men and women who taught us. They are probably far from perfect, but there is a fundamental difference when comparing their lives to the world. What is it that makes you wise unto salvation? It is the sacred writings found in the Holy Bible. Timothy was taught the sacred writings early and had Godly people to look up to and imitate.

Even if you have many broken people all around you and have just come to faith, you still have the Holy Scriptures and God the Holy Spirit living in you. In my intro, I stated that the Bible was designed to show us about God, and one of His attributes is He will never leave us or forsake us. The Bible teaches about this attribute of God, and no Christian should ever forget it. The Bible teaches that God loves us, and there is nothing that you can do to make God love you more or less. Shall we sin so grace may abound? No, please search your heart to make sure you are converted. If you see the fruit, there is nothing you can do God loves you, and He will lead and comfort you. If you are an unbeliever reading this, you may say the Bible is untrustworthy. I wanted to take a few minutes to show you why it is trustworthy.

3.      The Scripture is designed to show us it came from God.

The Bible testifies about itself. Just as God told Moses, I am that I am. God cannot testify to anyone higher, so He has to testify about Himself. God's word is the same way it testifies about itself, for there is no higher authority. This may seem circular; however, it is not viciously circular (another article coming soon on this topic). When you learn who inspired the Bible and His nature, you realize that it is because of God and His character that the Bible is trustworthy. God used the author's personalities and inspired what they penned to give us His word. In short, God cannot lie, and therefore a book that He inspired cannot have lies in it. Read the beginning of 2 Timothy 3:16:

"All scripture is breathed out by God."

               Let me ask again, what is the Bible designed for? First, it shows the human race who we are. Second, it encourages the Christian to remain faithful. Third, God reveals His attributes to us in its Holy pages. Finally, it testifies about itself because it is given by a God who cannot lie; it can be trusted. Look at the benefits it teaches, rebukes correct, and trains people how to live. As if that was not enough, the Savior Jesus Christ testifies about the Bible. This section of the article will be for our campion partners. If you would like to become a champion partner to get extended articles, videos, and podcasts, click here.