Super Bowl Outreach Update

Feb 15, 2016 | Written by Tommy Waltz

As the rain and the snow come down from heaven and do not return to it without watering the earth and making it bud and flourish, so that it yields seed for the sower and bread for the eater, so is my word that goes out from my mouth: It will not return to me empty, but will accomplish what I desire and achieve the purpose for which I sent it. – Isaiah 55:10-11

The more I do this type of ministry, the more I am reminded of the truth of these verses from Isaiah. Remember, God’s words never returns empty. I want us as a ministry to really internalize these two verses in order that we might remain faithful to the source of Biblical fruit – the Word of God.
We have arrived safely home from another Super Bowl outreach. This is our fourth year participating in this evangelistic event with Sports Fan Outreach International.

Ian Lovett, of the NY Times, wrote “Mayor Edwin M. Lee, however, has said that the Super Bowl will bring a bounty to San Francisco and its businesses. He noted that one million people are expected to visit Super Bowl City, the 10-acre temporary village at the foot of Market Street that shows off the town’s best assets: views of the bay, food by top local chefs, and exhibits straight from Silicon Valley featuring virtual reality and drones.”

We had the privilege to preach to around 180,000 of the people that were part of the event. For three days it was like we were floating in a sea of people for eight hours a day. Here is some of what God did through our team.

• 50 Bibles were handed out by various teams spread out all over San Francisco
• 5,400 tracts were handed out while we were in the city
• 180,000 + heard the Gospel of Jesus Christ
• 4 People made a profession of faith to follow Jesus (Please pray that they would bear fruit proving their profession was real. We are helping two of them find a healthy church home.)
• 15 Christians were encouraged in their faith (we are helping one of them find a healthy church home in San Francisco)

It is because of your prayers that we can all rejoice in the above fruit!Thank you for praying and supporting what we are doing as ministry. We are humbled by your prayer and financial support. Our vision is to raise up an evangelist in every healthy church in America and to proclaim the Gospel to see lives transformed. Thank you for helping make our vision more of a reality every day!!