Johnny Dos Santos
I am a saved sinner. I do not practice sin but I recognize that the sin nature is still within me and I struggle with it. May the Lord help me in my struggles that my prayers and service be not hindered. I’ve learned that the only way to make it is through total surrender to God’s will, which paradoxically is my freedom. With God’s help, I am able to prepare sermons and grow in the knowledge of Him, which draws me closer to the Lord.
My main focus in the ministry has been reaching local abortion facilities, as well as at the bus station in downtown Raleigh. I am also enrolled in GGM’s internship program to develop skills in evangelism and apologetics. I would ask for your prayers that I would be more fervent in my prayer life and to have even more desire to see souls saved in true conversions. May the Lord be exalted and magnified in all that I do or say.
Bill Roach
My wife Molly and I live in Wake Forest, NC and we have been married for six years. I am currently the president of the International Society of Christian Apologetics. I have a ThM and PhD from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and a BA and MA from Southern Evangelical Seminary. I have been in ministry for over 20 years as an ordained minister, college professor, and author. For most of that time, I have been working as a Christian apologist speaking at universities, churches, conferences, and other venues.
I grew up in a context with little to no Christian influence. Before coming to Christ, I had several questions about Christianity and felt like no one was able to answer my questions. I used people’s inability to answer my questions as justification for not becoming a Christian. But God in His grace saved me and set me apart to proclaim the gospel. After my conversion, I started to share the gospel with those around me through personal evangelism, street evangelism, and preaching in local churches. Soon after, however, I quickly realized that several people (like myself) had major objections to the gospel and they used those objections as a smokescreen to not become a Christian. So, because of those experiences, I made it my life’s goal to preach the gospel and defend the historic Christian faith through biblical evangelism and apologetics.
One of the many benefits of working with GGM is it gives us the opportunity proclaim the gospel, evangelize the lost, and defend the historic Christian faith. Please pray for all of us as we engage this post-Christian world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Soli Deo Gloria!
Peter Firth
I am blessed to be a leader with Gospel Of God Ministries. There is no greater joy than to proclaim Jesus Christ crucified to the lost, wherever they may be found. I’ve had the privilege of preaching with GGM for over a year now. One of the greatest benefits of serving in this ministry is the accountability that is required to maintain a personal level of holiness and integrity that God demands from those who serve Him.
I am a saved sinner. I do not practice sin but I recognize that the sin nature is still within me and I struggle with it. May the Lord help me in my struggles that my prayers and service be not hindered. I’ve learned that the only way to make it is through total surrender to God’s will, which paradoxically is my freedom. With God’s help, I am able to prepare sermons and grow in the knowledge of Him, which draws me closer to the Lord.
My main focus in the ministry has been reaching local abortion facilities, as well as at the bus station in downtown Raleigh. I am also enrolled in GGM’s internship program to develop skills in evangelism and apologetics. I would ask for your prayers that I would be more fervent in my prayer life and to have even more desire to see souls saved in true conversions. May the Lord be exalted and magnified in all that I do or say.
Jamie Clark
My name is Jamie Clark, from Lexington, SC. I have been a leader with Gospel of God Ministries for about a year, with the primary focus of ministry being along Main Street in downtown Columbia, Thursday nights (Thursday Night on Main). Lord willing, I will be out at the home games for USC Gamecocks football. Some major benefits of being a part of GGM is the network of Godly men who can offer wisdom and direction in the ministry of OAP, as well as prayer partners that lift up the various outreaches to the Lord. Another benefit is the availability of Bibles and tracts to hand out during outreach.
Please pray that the Lord will continue to open doors for the Gospel to go out, that hearts would be prepared to hear and repent, trusting in the Lord Jesus. Pray also that the Lord will give us favor with elected officials and law enforcement. Additionally, that He would raise up laborers for the harvest field here in Columbia. Please pray for my family and myself that I would love as Christ loves and manifest His grace daily, as well that our eyes would be focused solely on Christ, the author, and perfecter of our faith, and that we would walk by faith and not by sight.
Our son Caleb, who is 3, is having difficulty with his speech and is receiving speech therapy. Please pray for this issue to be resolved. Thank you and God bless!
Paul Roepnack
My name is Paul Roepnack and I have been a team leader for 5 years. It has been such a blessing to preach with Gospel Of God Ministries teams locally and nationally, and doing so has increased my faith and love for Christ, as I spend time with this team of men who are challenging me and encouraging me.
Right now, my ministry focus has been the local high school here in Cary, NC, one of the largest high schools in NC, and our kids have been instrumental in that outreach. I stand with my daughter at 7 am during morning drop off, offering free Bibles, Gospel DVD’s, and tracts while I proclaim the Gospel to both parents and students at the high school.
The experience has been eye-opening. Students come up to ask for free Bibles, some remarking they have never owned one before. Angry parents sometimes try to interfere, but God has also provided several faithful mothers who get out of their cars to run interference. Students ask questions, and some just need a word of encouragement, but overall the Gospel is proclaimed out loud to students who will spend the entire day accumulating knowledge but will not be taught Wisdom, which is to fear the Lord. We pray during each outreach that God would soften hearts and open eyes to Jesus Christ. Please pray along with us.
Bryan Braddy
My name is Bryan Braddy, from Wake Forest, NC. I have been a leader with Gospel of God Ministries for about 3 months now. I have been going out with Gospel Of God at many of the special events in downtown Raleigh, Super Bowl Outreaches in San Francisco, Houston, Minnesota, Kentucky Derby, Coca-Cola 600 in Charlotte, and Friday Nights on White in downtown Wake Forest.
I began by just handing out gospel tracts, but soon was having conversations with people about Jesus, and finally open-air preaching for the first time in San Francisco. I believe that God is using Gospel of God to equip believers and encourage them to share their faith as they did for me.
Please pray that the Lord will open the hearts and the eyes of the lost to the Gospel. Pray for my son Colin, who is 19, that he will continue to study God’s Word and become a Godly man as he leaves our home and returns to college. Please pray for my wife Emily, as she starts a new school year as a preschool teacher.
Pray that my younger son, Aidan, grows in his faith and that Dylan, my youngest, would profess the Lord as his Savior. Thank you and God bless!
Zack Braddy
My wife Kim and I have four beautiful children Lukas, Paton, Haley, and Ava they keep us very busy.
My major harvest field post is the local abortion mill in Raleigh, NC. The Gospel is to be preached at abortion clinics because there, more than anywhere else, lives and the glory of God are at stake. Proverbs 24:11 tells us to “Rescue those who are being taken away to death; hold
back those who are stumbling to the slaughter.” In a very real way, as ambassadors of Christ, we are doing just that when we go to these places of death and darkness and preach the words of life and light found in the Gospel of Jesus Christ.
Men and women are hell-bent on destroying the lives of their own children, rebelling against the God who has given them the gift of a child and who calls them to turn to Him in faith. We have been tasked with the job of preaching the Gospel to them in order that they might repent of their hatred and murderous intentions toward their children and place their trust and faith in the only one who can save them, Jesus Christ.
When we go to proclaim the Good News, our desire is to see God glorified, to see souls won to Christ, and to see babies saved. We go because God commands us to go (Matt. 28:18-20, Prov. 24:11, Mark 16:15), because we are to love our neighbors as ourselves, and because we want to see God put an end to the horrors and injustices of child sacrifice that occur on a daily, even moment by moment basis at these mills. As Christians, it is our duty and privilege to herald the Gospel of our King at the abortion clinic.