Marvel At The King

Aug 26th | Written by Tommy Waltz

 Audio of the article here:

Marvel At The King


I was on vacation and reflecting on Psalm 72 in my devotional time when the Lord began to show me more of His amazing truth. A word of encouragement to my readers: read the word of God. It is truly a wellspring for your soul. We can sometimes be so worried about the physical that we forget what is eternal—our soul. These old flesh garments will be rolled up and tucked away in the ground until they are renewed one day. However, our souls will be in these bodies or with Jesus. So we need to spend time nourishing and feeding them with the word of God.

Since the fall, people have seen the need for peace because of the evil inside the heart of humanity. People have lectured on it at colleges, written books on it, made movies about it, and even Michael Jackson, the king of pop, wrote a song called Heal The World. In his iconic voice, he makes an emotional plea for people to love one another to make the world a better place: “Make it a better place For you and for me.” If everyone sees the need for peace, how is it that there is so little of it in the world?

In this month’s article, we will understand from one of the wisest men who ever lived how humans can have true peace, from Psalm seventy-two. 

1.      Solomon stated that God would bring peace to his people by freeing them and their children from their oppressors.

We see that the true king who reigns will receive the ability to judge rightly from God himself. He is going to judge the people righteously and distribute justice to all. How is it that justice is going to bring peace? In God’s objective truth, humanity has a standard that everyone knows is right and wrong. However, society will keep dealing with tyrants and godless rulers until Christ returns. When he returns, there will not be pockets of peace here and there. It will be complete peace. All thoughts, words, and deeds will be held to the bar of truth, and those who have received grace through the eternal king Jesus will continue to receive it for eternity. Those who are enemies of God will face His authority and unlimited power for all eternity. Until that day, wicked men will ebb and flow in and out of power positions worldwide.

 “Let them fear You while the sun endures And as long as the moon throughout all generations.” Psalm 72:5.

This is God’s gift to all people, allowing them the opportunity to fear Him while they and the earth endure in its current state. In this text, those who fear God will flourish because of righteousness applied in their life and will have abundant peace like rain showers in an open field. However, there is a limited time for those who don’t reverence God. The earth and its current state will end.

Read what happens when the triune God returns to His holy hill in Zion.

2.      His reign and provision are all-encompassing. 

“May he also rule from sea to sea, And from the Euphrates River to the ends of the earth.” (Psalm 72:8)

He will rule every square inch of this earth, even the wild nomadic people. His enemies will be laid low while other kings will bring Him gifts to acknowledge His great Kingship and sprawling kingdom throughout the whole earth—marvel at the King. No one can stop this, no matter how many individuals or Nations rage against His power and authority.

Even in our broken world, it would be wise for individuals and Kings (leaders) to serve Him now and become obedient to His laws in their lives and govern God’s creation by applying them. This is done by finding redemption in His Son Jesus Christ, by trusting in Him for salvation and gladly obeying His laws because of the goodness they bring to our lives. We see in verse eleven what leaders are encouraged to do.


“And may all kings bow down before him, All nations serve him.” Psalm 72:11.

This is, at minimum, what an all-powerful, all-knowing, and unchanging God who has all authority over all things wither on the earth, heavens, seas, or in the earth; deserves. If you are a Christian, does your heart leap for joy? This is the God that you serve and the one that all will acknowledge one day. He also gives abundantly to all who dwell here. Michael Jackson’s song Heal The World, which I referenced in the beginning, shows how bad people want to make this world better, but God is doing it through the gift of salvation and general provision for all.

Michael Jackson’s song can only bring a slight reprieve with his iconic voice. Nevertheless, God has done and will do what needs to be done for everyone to see His glory. When is the last time you observed and thanked God for His present provision that so many take for granted?


3.      There will be abundant food and people because of His enduring great name.

May there be abundance of grain on the earth on top of the mountains; Its fruit will wave like the cedars of Lebanon; And may those from the city flourish like the vegetation of the earth. Psalm 72:16.

If you have ever watched a cattle graze on a hillside or had the privilege to watch a farmer run his John Deere Combine head into a ripe harvest field of grain, you have seen the picture Solomon is painting here for us. The fruit from the stalks full of grain kernels reminds Solomon of the towering trees of Lebanon. They are so strong and tower above the earth, making them impossible to miss. It is the fruit of the hillside and the farmland that you see God providing for His creation. He then carries on to the multiplication of image bearers of God.

This is a blessing that Solomon is speaking over the cities of humanity. Look at our sprawling cities with millions of image bearers all over God’s green earth, from New York to Hong Kong. They seek and ask where true peace is. It alludes all people without understanding the one true God found in the Bible. As an evangelist, I have shared the Gospel all over this world with many people, and everyone wants peace, but most don’t know how to find this abiding peace.

Verse seventeen is one of the reasons why peace can be found in the one true living God.

May his name endure forever; May his name produce descendants as long as the sun shines; And may people wish blessings on themselves by him; May all nations call him blessed. Psalm 72:17.

How many famous people have you seen rise to stardom destroyed by drugs or bad decisions? Our great God is not like a sinful, broken man. His name will endure forever. He is righteous in everything He does while broken sinners come and go in their brokenness of pride, addictions, and various sins. He remains the same, giving us all who trust Him an anchor for our souls. This is the foundation of unfettered peace found in marveling at the King. He reveals what it is that offers peace and love—understanding Him— the one who does not change.

God is just and has never been less. He is righteous and has never been less. He is loving and has never been less. He is gracious to all who come to Him and has never been less.  Catch the language of people wishing blessings on themselves by Him! Do you want to see your nation thrive? Then let those in leadership and the citizens alike raise every morning and bless the name of Jesus Christ!

What Michael Jackson or anyone else—except Jesus—cannot give is everlasting peace. People have written about it, lectured on it, and spent countless hours and dollars trying to find it, only to have it slip through their grasp. Don’t be like them. Come to the one who does not change and bless His name because of His provision for the nations and the people who dwell in them.

Come marvel at the King.  Don’t be forced to bow down to Him on judgment day. Come now and worship everything that He gives and all that He has revealed. His reign and provision are eternal, so either trust in Jesus for salvation or face His judgment.

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