Leaders Debrief FormFields marked with an * are required Leader Name * Bryan Braddy Jamie Clark Johnny Santos Ken Cheeseman Michael Seethaler Peter Firth Zack Braddy Joe Toy Tom Cabral Sean Keefe Tommy Waltz Thiago Montanher Email * Bryan Braddy (bbraddy91@yahoo.com) Jamie Clark (jc5138@yahoo.com) Johnny Santos (joubr@hotmail.com) Ken Cheeseman (ken.cheeseman@gmail.com) Peter Firth (peter@www.gospelgm.com) Sean Keefe (Sean_theoaks@hotmail.com) Tommy Waltz (tommygospelgm@protonmail.com) Zack Braddy (zrb1211@gmail.com) Joe Toy (oamphilly@aol.com) Tom Cabral (tom.rffr@gmail.com) Thiago Monteher (thiago_montanher@yahoo.com.br) Michael Seethaler (michaelseethaler@gmail.com) Event Name * Friday Night on White Street Friday Night on Fayetteville Street Jones Franklin Abortion Clinic Drake Circle Abortion Clinic Bus Station Preaching Thursdays, Columbia, SC SC Football Game NC State Open Door Food Pantry Raleigh Christmas Parade New Years Eve, Raleigh Comic Con ST Patrick's Day CueGrass Brewgaloo Artsplosure Out Raleigh Animazement PackaPalooza NC State Fair Other Red Bull Stadium Ft. Myers Beach Saturday's Cape Coral Farmer's Market If "other", what was the event name? Date of Event * MM DD YYYY How many Tracts were given out? * TextHow many people (estimate) heard the Gospel? * How many Bibles were given out? * How many conversations did you have? * Out of the people you spoke with, how many said they were Christian? * How many could communicate a clear Gospel message? Four Pillars God, Man, Gospel, and Regeneration (Faith and Repentance) * Did anyone make a profession of faith? * Did you give them information to a healthy local church? * Thank you!