Leaders Goals FormFields marked with an * are required Leader Name * Bryan Braddy Jamie Clark Johnny Santos Ken Cheeseman Peter Firth Zack Braddy Joe Toy Michael Seethaler Tom Cabral Sean Keefe Tommy Waltz Thiago Monteher Email * Bryan Braddy (bbraddy91@yahoo.com) Jamie Clark (jc5138@yahoo.com) Johnny Santos (joubr@hotmail.com) Ken Cheeseman (ken.cheeseman@gmail.com) Peter Firth (peter@www.gospelgm.com) Sean Keefe (Sean_theoaks@hotmail.com) Tommy Waltz (tommygospelgm@protonmail.com) Zack Braddy (zrb1211@gmail.com) Joe Toy (oamphilly@aol.com) Tom Cabral (tom.rffr@gmail.com) Michael Seethaler (michaelseethaler@gmail.com) Thiago Monteher (thiago_montanher@yahoo.com.br) 1. How many times will you lead a team out to share the Gospel this year in your city or be on a team? * 2. What do you want God to do through you in your church, workplace, family, and ministry to the lost? * 3. How will you grow in holiness this year and protect your purity from the onslaught of this godless culture that you live in? * 4. How will you practically love and disciple your wife and help her and your children feel secure and loved? * 5. How many verses of scripture do I want to memorize this year? * 6. How will I read the Bible this year? * 7. How long will you pray and read the Bible each day this year? * 8. Do you know any evangelists who would be a good GGM leader fit? * 9. What video or book will you watch or read to do your review? * Thank you!