I Need God to Give Personal Revelation to Believe

March 30th, 2022 | Tommy Waltz

 Audio of the article here:

I Need God To  Reveal Himself To Believe

I have encountered this statement many times, sharing my faith in Jesus; "I need God to give me either a sign or vision then I would believe in Him." This month's article will share how I address this statement. It will cover how God has left evidence for himself throughout human history, how humans have to come to terms with that, and finally, what is the most potent testimony outside of human experience.

I was on NC State Campus, and I started a conversation with a gentlemen by asking if he had received one of our tracts. It was the hundred-dollar question tract. You can find these tracts on our new website. Order some and start giving them out and asking the hundred-dollar questions. If you died tonight, what would happen to you spiritually?

As I began to talk to this young man, I learned a little about him. He grew up in what he called a Christian home- they went to church twice a year. He has been struggling with doubt for years. Then the response came; he stated, "I need God to give me a vision or sign, then I will believe." We need to know a few things about conversations like these. This person is a product of his culture, he has been taught lies most of his adult life, especially in college. What are the lies? That he determines truth and his experiences shape that truth.

We can help them come to terms with this by asking one question, do you think there is absolute truth? Then listen. As Christians, we have graciously excepted the truth. "For what can be known about God is plain to them, because God has shown it to them." (Romans 1:19) You must remember that the person who is an unbeliever is suppressing this truth. There is a form of autonomy dwelling in the unbeliever and exposing this is vitally important.

1.      Needing individual revelation or physical evidence for God's existence

How have humans and evidence for God worked out on the whole to help their belief in the one true God? "There shall be a great cry throughout all the land of Egypt, such as there has never been, nor ever will be again. 7 But not a dog shall growl against any of the people of Israel, either man or beast, that you may know that the Lord makes a distinction between Egypt and Israel.'” (Exodus 11:6) The Israelites had just viewed the ten plagues that God brought on Egypt. This specific plague was the killing of the firstborn of all in Egypt. The Israelites had a front-row seat as God showed himself stronger than the most powerful nation. Yet look at what happens a little later.

“When the people saw that Moses was so long in coming down from the mountain, they gathered around Aaron and said, “Come, make us gods[a] who will go before us. As for this fellow Moses who brought us up out of Egypt, we don’t know what has happened to him.”  (Exodus 32:1-5) Within a few months of seeing all these amazing miracles in Egypt, they ask Aaron to make them another god. God can give all the miracles in the world, but the miracle will simply fade with time and doubt will come again without a changed heart.

The person you are talking to may deny this and become resolute in his need for God to reveal himself. Remind him he is no better than the Israelites. After some time has passed, ask him if his memory has gone dull on an event that was once very clear. What makes him think he is any different from the Israelites?

2.      Having to come to terms with what God has given

It is not that miracles and amazing demonstrations of God’s power have not been displayed in human history, and if God chooses, He can do it any time He wants. However, He does not cater to the whim of a fickle human being. Unbelievers have to come to terms with not being the center of the universe. Think about this, if miracles are all that is needed for someone to believe, Jesus never would’ve been crucified. Revival would have broken out all over the Roman empire, and millions would ‘ve believed. Some believed but not the total population. The crowds around Pilate’s verdict that day would have drowned out the Pharisees and others yelling for Pilate to crucify Jesus. Nevertheless, that is not what happened. Jesus gives us an answer to why in the Gospel of John.   

Now when he was in Jerusalem at the Passover Feast, many believed in his name when they saw the signs that he was doing. But Jesus on his part did not entrust himself to them, because he knew all people. (John 2:23-24) We must understand that demons believe in Jesus not unto Salvation but acknowledge who he is. These people that followed Him were no different. They were being healed of diseases and getting their bellies filled with food; however, as soon as the authorities came for Jesus, they turned on Him and joined the voices of the masses to have Jesus killed. Therefore, Jesus did not entrust Himself to them. He knew their hearts were not changed. God can give a sign, but without the change of your heart- your presuppositions- you will eventually betray the evidence that has been given. Our Creator has been very kind. He knows exactly what we need to be grounded and assured of His presence and power outside our human experiences. 

He gives a trichotomy telling us to remember what he has done in human history. He provides us with bodies that need to be sustained by His environment. He Gives special revelation and the Holy Spirit to understand all that exists rightly.  

If you don’t believe in the God who is Jesus. I encourage you to believe in Him today. You must understand that you are a sinner- liar, thief, blasphemer- in need of grace. Repent and believe Jesus came to die for your sins today. Have your heart changed by His amazing grace? Reach out to us for a free Bible today. If you want to receive this whole article, find out how to become a monthly champion.  Until next month; go out and proclaim the Gospel to see a life transformed.