Bill Roach
My wife Molly and I live in Wake Forest, NC and we have been married for six years. I am currently the president of the International Society of Christian Apologetics. I have a ThM and PhD from Southeastern Baptist Theological Seminary and a BA and MA from Southern Evangelical Seminary. I have been in ministry for over 20 years as an ordained minister, college professor, and author. For most of that time, I have been working as a Christian apologist speaking at universities, churches, conferences, and other venues.
I grew up in a context with little to no Christian influence. Before coming to Christ, I had several questions about Christianity and felt like no one was able to answer my questions. I used people’s inability to answer my questions as justification for not becoming a Christian. But God in His grace saved me and set me apart to proclaim the gospel. After my conversion, I started to share the gospel with those around me through personal evangelism, street evangelism, and preaching in local churches. Soon after, however, I quickly realized that several people (like myself) had major objections to the gospel and they used those objections as a smokescreen to not become a Christian. So, because of those experiences, I made it my life’s goal to preach the gospel and defend the historic Christian faith through biblical evangelism and apologetics.
One of the many benefits of working with GGM is it gives us the opportunity proclaim the gospel, evangelize the lost, and defend the historic Christian faith. Please pray for all of us as we engage this post-Christian world with the gospel of Jesus Christ. Soli Deo Gloria