A Schizophrenic Belief -Extended
June 27th | Written by Tommy Waltz
Audio of the article here:
A Schizophrenic Belief -Extended
Russell Crow is one of my favorite actors of all time. Gladiator is a movie that I have watched several times; its action-packed story of betrayal and love is timeless. However, he also played in a film called Beautiful Mind. He was a mathematician who turned schizophrenic; he thought someone was out to kill him when everyday life had no threats. The symptoms of schizophrenia cause people to be delusional, withdraw from reality, and have disorganized thinking and speech patterns. In this article, I will show how the lost world has moral schizophrenia; however, it is not entirely consumed every area of their lives. They can function and do all the everyday things humans need to do to live in a vibrate and flourishing society. Still, morally their schizophrenia is showing for everyone to see.
1. Let's Talk about Two Types of Presuppositions
My readers have read my view over the past few years about autonomy when it comes to morality: catch my previous article to get caught up.
On the topic of morality is where the unbeliever becomes unhinged from reality. When I say reality, I am not talking about some philosophical platitude; I am talking about real everyday life. It is where we see God's truth on full display and humankind fighting against it with all their might and with their faulty presuppositions.
Let’s explain presuppositions and then look at the two categories. Presuppositions are the basic underlying assumptions every person has about origin, meaning, morality, destiny, logic, and rationality. These assumptions are so automatic that they make up every belief we have, which in return shapes our Worldview.
The two categories of presuppositions are faulty presuppositions and valid presuppositions. Every unbeliever finds themselves in the unfortunate category of faulty presuppositions no matter how hard they try to deny it. As their presuppositions are examined, they can be shown false because they contradict the reality everyone is living in, including themselves. I want to share a few.
I. Examples of Faulty Presuppositions and Explanation
· You can be any gender you choose
Here is where detachment from reality begins to show and their disorganized thoughts begin to show, on some level, their moral schizophrenia. I may not agree in all areas with Matt Walsh, but in this video, he exposes the glaringly obvious fact that people in America are confused about what is so clear: gender.
He asked, what is a woman? He revealed the schizophrenia of this gender-fluid society. He shows that with just a few questions, people have left reality and become utterly disorganized in their thoughts to cater to the endless variety of humankind's sinful, depraved hearts. Gender is not suggestive; it is given in the womb by the creator of all things. Gender is not what you feel but what you are made according to your biological makeup, and science backs this up.
A question to ask someone that supports this is to ask, how do you reconcile the truth you see all over the world, men being men and women being women, with what you believe to be true? The most prominent example in our society of faulty presuppositions will be discussed next.
· Morals are determined by individuals or societies
Individual morality is prevalent in our society now, and if you engage any unbeliever, almost all of them will hold to this view in some form. It usually goes like this, "where do you think morals come from?" They will then state that individuals determine what is right or wrong, or societal groups determine what is right or wrong.
How to expose the schizophrenia in this conversation is to ask, “Is what the gunman did in the elementary school in Texas right or wrong?” “Is what Vladimir Putin is doing right or wrong?” They will automatically say this is wrong. The next step for you is to ask, “How do you reconcile what you just agreed to with what you say you believe?”
What they just agreed to is at odds with what they say they believe. At this point, they will either start to make excuses or be humbled by what has been revealed. Jesus gives us hope. He gave us an internal smoke alarm called a conscience that should respond to His moral law. Have you ever Lied, stolen, blasphemed, etc. This is a process of repentance and faith in Jesus. They must be confronted with faulty presuppositions to see their need to turn away (repent) and place their (faith) in Christ to receive valid presuppositions. The following example is forced down everyone's thoughts via media during June.
· People have a right to express whatever sexual identity they have, and people need to celebrate it.
Just because in America people can have sex with any other consenting adult doesn’t mean it is correct. They keep taking it further and further in America. They went from “let us have this right” to “you need to celebrate my right,” and now “I want your kids to be a part of our iniquity.” If you don't believe this is being forced on us look at these two videos** viewer discretion advised**: video 1 disney+ content video 2 I put these here to show you how bad it is.
What question could you ask to expose their schizophrenic detachment from reality? How do you reconcile your desires/lust compared to what is natural? What is an unnatural sexual relationship according to God our creator? Please read the following:
For this reason, God gave them up to dishonorable passions. For their women exchanged natural relations for those that are contrary to nature; and the men likewise gave up natural relations with women and were consumed with passion for one another, men committing shameless acts with men and receiving in themselves the due penalty for their error. (Romans 1:26-27)
This is unnatural sexual relations. Sex is given as a blessing to a male and female in covenant marriage. It is how marriage is consummated. However, limitless versions of sexual sins will continue to destroy the moral fabric of this country. It will destroy the family and lead to people physically mutilating their bodies. The wake of this destruction will be seen 15 to 20 years later. How do we get people to turn away from their faulty presuppositions to valid presuppositions?
II. We come to terms with valid presuppositions when we see our sins in the light of the reality that God has given in creation and His excellent word.
Answer not a fool according to his folly, lest you be like him yourself. Answer a fool according to his folly, lest he be wise in his own eyes. (Proverb 26:4-5)
Here are the principles taken from the above text and steps to lead someone to valid presuppositions:
Step one: Don't support someone in their sin or affirm them in their sin, or you will be like them.
Step two: Answer the person so that their sin is exposed to God's universal truth. Please encourage them to reconcile what they say they believe according to what they admitted when questioned. Examples of morality and sexuality are above. We can do this with gentleness and assertiveness as Jesus did.
Here is Another question to use with homosexuals. I often get asked what I think about homosexuality. I encourage people in this question. It does not matter what you or I think; what does our creator say to both of us? I then let them read Romans 1:26-27.
2. What does an unwillingness to come to valid presuppositions produce?
This unwillingness shows they are unwilling to face humanity's story when confronted with their sin. We are all broken and need a savior to love and forgive us so we can receive and extend forgiveness. Everyone's story is a story of brokenness. With the conversations I am having with the generation coming behind me, there is so much confusion and sexual abuse that has taken place in these young people's lives. The only way they will heal is to understand the power of the cross and forgiveness.
Until they face the reality of their story, which is all of humanity’s story, we are broken and in need of salvation; they will keep running from this valid presupposition and continue to plummet into further depravity and destruction. This will continue with each person, but the effect will not remain isolated.
They will take our culture further down the slippery slope of sin. People's hearts will become more blatant and calloused to sin, and in return, our society will continue to long for politicians that will give them what their sinful hearts desire. I pray and hope that America does not implode; however, if this is needed for revival, so be it. People will have to reach a point where they long for the relationship with their saving creator that will bring validity.
3. The relationship that will give valid presuppositions.
When our faith is placed in Jesus, we now see what is morally right and wrong. We see that Jesus created us all, male and female. We know that sex is made for the marriage bed and is beautiful within that context. We see the objective reality of God's plan for our life and His created order.
Like in the Beautiful Mind with Russell Crow, his schizophrenia made him delusional, and he withdrew from reality. There was no one out to kill him. In our culture, people's schizophrenic beliefs must be exposed to show them they are in denial of the reality they are living in. You don't have to use terms as strong as I have, but they must be exposed to their destruction if they keep denying the moral absolutes and natural sexuality in this life. Then ultimate destruction comes in the hereafter if they do not repent and believe the glorious Gospel of God. Until next month go out and proclaim the Gospel to see a life transformed.