A Homosexual Named Christian

Feb 8th 2013 | Written by Tommy Waltz

I want to briefly update the Super Bowl Outreach in New Orleans. We preached for three days and handed out thousands of tracts. Here is a scripture verse that explains what we did this past week: "Psalms 29:2 - Ascribe to the Lord, the glory due to his name; worship the Lord in the splendor of his holiness." Around a hundred and ten evangelists went to the streets to exalt the person of Jesus Christ. I want to share three of my ministry encounters.

My team set up outside of a casino on the first day, and we preached there most of the day. I noticed during the preaching a gentleman standing off in the distance.  Approaching him, I saw he was coming down off of some drug. He said that he was a crack cocaine addict. He knew he needed to be born again but was not in a frame of mind to make a lucid decision. I gave him some Gospel literature and told him to read it when he sobered up. No one noticed this man; they purposely did not notice him, except my team. They tried to do the same to the Gospel message, but some had to stop due to the conviction of sin.

The second encounter was with two homosexuals.  They stopped and were very opposed to the message I was preaching on the kingdom of God from Matthew 3:17. One of the young men named Christian started to change as I continued to preach. He came up and agreed with the message of needing to repent and be born again. At that moment, the gentlemen with him tried to kiss him. Christian, looking at me, said, "Whenever you try to do good and listen to the truth, Satan is right there to pull you down." I agreed and started reading Romans chapter one and explaining the text of scripture. When I got to the section about natural versus unnatural, I asked them what this meant. Christian agreed that homosexuality was wrong, and the other gentlemen started to weep and put his hands in his face. He would not look at me and walked away crying with his hands in his face. I challenged Christian to examine his life according to scripture in 2 Corinthians 13:5. I also shared with him the new nature that we get when we accept Christ and how we have a new relationship with sin.

The third encounter was the most amusing. On the last day of our preaching, we set up on Bourbon Street. I was preaching on Psalms 1. I had just finished my Psalms introduction and gave the title to my sermon when a young atheist stopped to listen.  As I continued to preach, he started to yell, "it's all just a fairy tale! Christianity is a fairy tale!" He was physically starting to shake. He was so upset.  I gently asked if he could give me proof that God does not exist.  He yelled out science!!! I reminded him that some of the founders of the scientific revolution were Christian.  Simply yelling science does not disprove God. It just shows that God is a God of order. This led Christian scientists to be curious about the cosmos, and they rightly found order in the universe's complexity.  He made a homemade sign that read, "Aren't we a little old for imaginary friends?"  I shared how the Christian worldview answers origin, meaning, morality, and destiny. I compared that to evolution, which Chris believed, showing that it cannot give a coherent answer to any of the four.

Well, here is where it gets funny. We had finished for the day and decided to preach on one more street corner before leaving. And guess who shows up as I start to preach? You got it, Chris. He gave up his entire day to hold this sign as I preached.   Well, as I said earlier, the Lord has a sense of humor.  Five minutes into my preaching, three gentlemen jumped off the transit bus, and I mean, dressed in Gorilla customs. They started jumping and hopping all around me. And I said to Chris, "look, it's your cousins."  The crowd began to gather because of all the commotion.  I had the opportunity to share again why atheists believe in evolution. This was a time that God ordained to shame the wisdom of man with His logical, coherent, and infallible word.  These three stories are entirely different. They show the human heart in three different scenarios; however, it exposes the heart's continual rebellion against the one true God, whether it be an addiction, sexual sin, or the sin of intellectual pride. When exposed by God's word, the human heart is without excuse and in need of a Savior. I hope that these three stories will encourage you to share your faith.

A report from all the teams is that three people accepted Christ, and many were challenged in their beliefs. Over 80,000 tracts were given out to unbelievers. Thank you for praying for this event.

I look forward to talking with you soon.  I should have a video up soon of the January and February outreach for GGM.